
The next General Meeting of the Club will be held at St Alban’s Church Hall on the third Tuesday of the month, commencing at 9.45 am. Click here for our latest Newsletter which will have the details for each meeting.

The annual Membership Fee for 2024 is $20 and is due now. You can direct debit Leura Garden Club at BSB 633000, Acct 198427734.  Add your name as reference. You will be sent an email to acknowledge receipt of the payment.

A warm welcome to our new members who have joined the club.

Our new sign is now ready for use thanks to Elizabeth Ginsburg work.  Members have agreed to put it our each meeting and take it in. It will be displayed on the footpath when meetings are on. Walter has agreed to put it out and take it in each month.  This is most appreciated.


June meeting 

Robin Johnson provided a lively hands-on interactive workshop on Winter propagation. He suggested we come and visit his home in Blackheath for a hands on workshop later in the year. 

After the talk we visited the compost corner in the Woolworths car park Kerry Brown told us about its history an how its about recycling the waste from the plantings on Leura Mall. We had lunch at the Chinese on Leura Mall,

70 year Anniversary

In January 2025 we will celebrate 70 years of Leura Garden Club. The committee is open to suggestions on how we would best celebrate this significant event in club life. Email your suggestions to Lorraine.

Next Tour

Planning is starting for a tour to Rockwood Cemetery in July.

Raffle Winners 

Liz Fox a special pair of gardening gloves,  Trish Willoughby a beautiful pink cyclamen.

2024 Community Project

We are  supporting the Everglades community bush program.  Currently a group of local residents are doing the heavy work of weeding and removing years of bramble and other invasive weeds.  They are making a walkway of beautiful natives and ferns. We hope to obtain a Blue Mountains Community grant for plants that need to be purchased. The strip is located across from Cherrydell on Everglades Avenue. Council have received our request and will make a decision by the end of June.

Latest Fact Sheet Enjoy everything you need to know about Celery and Celeriac.